Timing. Without it, you get burnt cookies, missed flights, and overdue assignments. If your recipe says beat the eggs for 2 minutes, and you beat them for five minutes, you will have definite problems. If the flight doors close at 3:20 p.m., you can’t show up at 3:25 and expect to get on the plane. And a deadline…is a deadline.
But what about God’s timing? I have been thinking quite a bit about this lately, and frankly, the same things apply. If you don’t stick with God’s timing and push your own agenda instead, it doesn’t turn out well. I keep having to re-learn that His timing is ultimately best, even if I don’t see it at the time. So, this week’s gifts are all about being thankful for God’s timing even when I didn’t see it or don’t understand it yet…a little looking back and looking forward.
#239: Moving to Connecticut: At the time, it was the worst possible thing for a Junior High girl like me, but looking back on it, a lot of good came from it – a new appreciation for my family, a closer relationship with God, friendships, and one amazing doctor for my sister Renae
#240: Coming to Cornerstone: I didn’t want to go to Cornerstone, but I am certainly glad that God paved the way for me to come here. Learning how to make my own decisions, meeting lifetime friends, and…there was that Ben guy too – he’s a keeper.
#241: Getting laid off from my first job: I loved my job, my coworkers, and my boss. It gave me my first exposure to teaching adults and designing curriculum. I was devastated about being laid off, but if it had not happened, I would not have finished my grad degree so quickly, and it set in motion a chain of events to get me in the right place at the right time for things to come.
#242: Getting laid off…again: I’ll be honest – I was more thankful for God’s timing this time around. It came at just the right time for me to transition into teaching part-time at Cornerstone, which was a huge blessing. Over the next five years, I was amazed at how God provided the right timing for classes, student babysitters, and lots of great experiences.
#243: Moving to Ada Bible: We didn’t want to switch churches – we loved Kentwood Community, but God had very different plans. Looking back at it, I am once again amazed at how God set our transition into motion the same summer that Ada was about to open the North campus and brought just the right people together to start the small group that we are still a part of today.
#244: Ben’s job transition: It seemed like the worst possible timing for Ben to join a fledging law firm – I was just about to have Fiona and was coming off a really stressful semester at school. But, as usual, God knew better, and it has been absolutely awesome to see where God has taken the firm and Ben in the last couple years – it has been the best possible thing for all of us.
#245: MomColoredGlasses: It has been a little over a year since we “officially” started MCG, and I still scratch my head at how it all came together. I can definitely see God’s hand in how our little group of writers has come together, the evolution of our site, and the different opportunities that have come our way. I don’t know what it is in our future, and it’s frustrating sometimes to want everything to happen right now, but as I look at everything else that has happened in my life, I know I can trust God’s timing in it as well.
#246: Fiona’s Potty Training: Okay, I have to end on a (slightly) less momentous occasion, because I have been waiting and waiting for Fiona to “want” to potty train. I was planning on getting serious about it after the holidays, but this past week, she decided on her own to want to start going on the potty. Out of the blue. I’ll be honest – I was a little annoyed – Christmas isn’t the most convenient time to potty train, but once again, it’s not about my timing.
I know there will be plenty more “opportunities” to trust God’s timing, and I have only scratched the surface of the multitude of times that God has directed the timing of my life. My only prayer is that I continue to recognize and give thanks for it!

Rachel- You are really aweinspiring – I’m so proud of you! I don’t trust God’s timing anymore, the past two years have been two difficult. It’s great to see the pictures of your family. Boy- Parker reallylooks like you! Maddi like her Dad- can’t tell with Fiona yet. And boy does Elliot look alot like Renae. John had his senior pictures taken at the end of August. He looks so much like CHris – sometimes I have to take a double take. I have been meaning to send them out but haven’t yet. I’ve knid of given up on trying to send out CHristmas cards. I’m glad you are all well. I shared your moms with colored glasses with some of the youn moms at work. JOhn’s applying to colleges now. He applied for early admission to NOrthwestern University in Chicago – but was not accpepted. Last year they had 300 some thousand kids applying for eaaarly admission so I’ve been trying to convince him that it probably was just one of those quirky things. John’s grades, test scores, references, extra activities are all excellent. John is fighting depression now though and it’s been tough. Please include John in your prayers. I love you Rachel – your absent aunt Becky.