#199: Perspective…an offer on our house that falls through gives us more time to breathe through the holidays
#200: Perspective…without change, there is no room to grow
#201: Perspective…stressful situations force me to my knees
#202: Perspective…sleepless nights and kids that fit on your lap last for a few short years
#203: Perspective…tasks I think are overwhelming matter little in light of eternity
#204: Perspective…remembering that this earth is not my eternal home
#205: Perspective…a full calendar means a life full of family, friends, and…life…
#206: Perspective…a warm house, steady income, healthy kids, meaningful activities
#207: Perspective…if I don’t exercise every day and the scale creeps up a few pounds, no one will care one bit
#208: Perspective…the to-do lists and housework will be there tomorrow
#209: Perspective…sometimes it is worth it to drop everything and tickle your kids for a while
#210: Perspective…life is too short to not take chances

#209 is my favorite today 🙂