on the job front…
Even though I thought teaching a class wasn’t going to pan out…it turns out I am going to be teaching a Speech class in the fall at the ‘Stone. It is a 7:30 a.m. class, which should be perfect for student participation, and I get to start over with a brand new book, which should be fun for me. All sarcasm aside, I am at peace about it, and thankful that I can help out a tiny bit with the finances while still having time to pursue other things. Bonus…and bonus…right?
on the pain in my back…
I think today is the first day that I feel more like myself, which I attribute to being done with my round of nasty anti-viral pills. I’m still on a lovely romp with an anti-seizure medication to help with the nerve pain, but I’m not quite ready to leave those behind yet. The only unfortunate side effect is some…confusion. It’s been a little strange, losing school paperwork, leaving plastic wrappers in the caesar salad mix, and completely forgetting I have my sunglasses on, like I did today at Madi’s soccer game. I seriously must have looked like a crazy person, running up and down the field, yelling encouragement to the troops while wearing these giant shades? Bizarre.
on the house…
Over the last week, a bunch of work has been done on the house, but nothing really jaw-dropping, unless you are really into plumbing and electrical rough-ins. The kids got a kick out of seeing their bathroom, so that was fun to see. My biggest thrill this week though was when the windows were installed. Now I can stop being so panicky when the kids are in the house, because they can’t fall out of the window openings anymore! Huzzah! The insulation is slated to be installed next Thursday, so that’s another big step in the process.
on the kids…
They amaze me. Every day.
From the mornings Fiona and I spend together ballet dancing and playing games like Angry Birds (sometimes even at the same time)…
to Parker’s excitement about his very first soccer game and his equal excitement about the “sports parade” he put together for me…
to the time Madi spends hanging out with her BFF Kayla…
…it is a constant reminder that time just keeps moving forward. They are growing up at a furious pace, and I can either whine about it or jump on the merry-go-round and enjoy the ride. Tonight before bed, all three of them decided to participate in story time (sometimes Madi decides to read by herself) and we all jumped on the couch, legs and bodies and arms all intertwined while we read one of my favorite bedtime stories “Just Like You” by Jan Fearnley and then I had to catch myself before I got all teary-eyed and hiccupy so I could go on to read one of my least favorite books, a lift-the-flap collection of Valentines Day knock-knock jokes. (It’s as bad as it sounds) But it was cuddly and warm, my hands ruffling Parker’s thick hair, Madi’s hand resting on my knee, and Fiona’s head tucked under my chin…blissful.
on life…
Life is challenging, stressful, overwhelming, exhausting…and I have been reminded of that in so many ways this week. Life is also beautiful, life-affirming, rewarding, and meaningful…and I am so thankful for the ways that God has brought those things to mind this week as well. It gives me hope and courage…for whatever comes next.

Couldn’t sleep, so i tried reading, that didn’t help. So i get on fb and see your blog post. Thanks for the encouraging reminder that kids grow up fast. With a 2 yr. old and 3 mo. old I feel like life is incredibly slow right now needed a reminder 🙂
Hey Deb…I agree that when your kids are that age, time seems interminable…the days are long but the years are short (to use an overused phrase) 🙂 Hang in there!!