I received an email earlier this week inviting me to attend a marketing meeting at Hilger Hammond, and it reminded me that I’m right on the brink of being completely done working at Ben’s firm. Just a few more finishing touches on a final project, and I will be shifting my attention away from creating marketing pieces and orchestrating client gift baskets to studying for the GMAT and prepping my classes for the fall.
It’s not that I haven’t enjoyed the last four years working as a “Special Projects Manager”. In fact, thinking back over my time there, I have so many wonderful memories…and a few embarrassing ones. I remember my first week on the job, I was a little rusty with my “workplace protocol”, and found myself yelling a question to Ben while he was in the bathroom. Yeah, that was awkward. But I quickly found my “seat on the bus” – jumping into projects no one else had the time to do, whether it was boxing up closed files or creating an ad for a charity event. I loved the variety, the opportunity to try new things, and the immediate impact of my actions. Track down an executive desk for an associate on Craig’s List and the next week, it’s in the office. Suggest revisions to the website and they are implemented the next day. It was intensely satisfying.
But one of the best things about working at Hilger Hammond was the lunch dates that Ben and I were able to squeeze in while I was working. They have become more scarce the last six months as Ben’s workload has picked up, but the times we were able to head over to XO for Chinese or take Jimmy John’s to the rooftop table in the summer? Priceless.
I’ll be honest. I think I got the better deal out of the gig. I am leaving with great relationships, more confidence in my ability to re-enter a more traditional workplace, and some solid hours logged hanging out with Ben. What more could I ask for, really? I’m just glad that they let me stick around for so long!
What started out as, “Hey, can you come up and help us get organized?” turned into four years of time that I am truly thankful for.

We loved having you and will definitely miss your smiling face around the firm! And, of course, we will miss your willingness to help out wherever and whenever needed. See you at the next firm gathering or celebration. Don’t be a stranger! 🙂