Last week, as I was flipping through a copy of Real Simple in the grocery checkout line, I came across an article called The Mom Book: A Lifetime of Homemade Gifts for Mom. It detailed the story of Jacquelyn Mitchard, and how she turned an ordinary blank book into a treasured anthology of homemade offerings from her kids. She called it her “Mom Book” and over the years, one book turned into three as her kids added new cards, pictures, and letters on Mothers Day, Christmas, and other holidays.
It was sweet and touching, and even though I told Ben about it when I got home, I forgot about it as quickly as I forgot about the coin purse that Madi left at IHOP that same day.
When Mothers Day rolled around, I was expecting to get a book I picked out and a tasty breakfast. But Ben and the kids surprised me with a new alarm clock (much needed) and my very own version of a Mom Book! Ben informed me that he went to the (gasp…cough…) scrapbooking store to find just the right book, and then had the kids make pictures on a “Daddy night”. He’s quite a guy…
And I love my book…

awwwww… sweet!! And that is a great idea!!!
this is an awesome idea!!! I think I’m going to need to hint at this to the hubby.