Today after breakfast, we decided it was a good day to build a tent. So, I put on my “Mom as architect” hat and constructed a tent out of a sheet, attaching it to a couple dining room chairs, two endtables, and propping up one side on pillows I had stacked on the recliner. Personally, I think it was my best tent yet. We then proceeded to have a blast crawling in and out of the tent, putting Bear, Bitty Baby, and other random stuffed animals down for a nap in the tent, and eating our snack in the tent…quite cozy.
The only thing that put a damper on our fun was Madi insisting on dancing to “butterfly music”. What is this? Well, I had no clue…I tried to put on a Baby Einstein CD, thinking that might fit the fluttering nature of said butterfly. Oh no…it consisted of Madi dancing around with Bear and singing her own butterfly song while wearing the butterfly wings headband she got from her aunt for her birthday. Go figure. I also had to leave the comfort of my place next to Bitty Baby in the tent to join her in spinning around until we were both queasy.
All in all, a pretty successful morning…and the tent lasted until naptime, which was also record breaking…makes me wonder though…what amazing feat will I be asked to perform tomorrow?? I’ll just have to wait and see…

I love the title and you’ve gotten off to a great start! Glad to see you out here in blogland!Love.