Hmm…what to do on a warm fall day with the three kids and my Mom while avoiding places with lots of H1N1 germs? We found ourselves at the entrance of a corn maze, of all places, Bjorn strapped on and ready to go…ready to hit the trail…
Madi took the lead, clomping down the path in her flowered rubber boots and lavender beanie. She carried the sheet of clues that was supposed to keep us on the right path by answering questions like “what part of the corn do we eat?”. It was funny, because at first we thought we were passing the checkpoints, but we found out that we were in the “pre-maze” to find out if you could handle it…we had not even made it to the real maze!
We passed the point of no return, which if I had been in a corn maze before, might have made me a little nervous…what if Madi has to go to the bathroom…or Fiona starts crying…or Parker gets tired out…but I didn’t think of any of those things as we headed deeper into the corn.
Thankfully, Madi and Fiona were angels…Parker, on the other hand, was a little harder to keep moving. He trailed behind, stopping occasionally to dig in the dirt and yank the corn stalks. About halfway through, he got all sweaty and wanted to be carried. I was already carrying Fiona in the Bjorn, so I convinced him that he would be much better if we took off his shirt. Anything to get him to keep moving, right? So there was Parker…bare belly, sweats, and winter boots. It was pretty hilarious.
We emerged victorious about 40 minutes later…we found all 10 markers, didn’t get turned around too many times, and with no major meltdowns. Hooray! Our reward? Donuts and cider…Yum.
Even though there were moments where I wasn’t sure we were ever going to make it out…we had fun just enjoying being together, and even got a little exercise too! I think I would be a little more prepared if we did it again…like bring a stroller for Parker…but if we were looking for an adventure, we definitely got one!
— Post From My iPhone