Madi and Parker do a pretty good job of entertaining each other…and me. We were cooped inside today with thunderstorms booming outside, and I just was having a blast watching Parker trot around after Madi. He absolutely adores her, and whatever she is doing, he wants to do the same things. Here is a quick “rundown” of our morning.
After breakfast, where they both had to have a Danimal with a straw, Madi collected her usual handful of purses and buckets full of “supplies” and climbed up onto a dining room chair to peruse her treasures. Parker proceeded to come over to the table with his stuff, similarly jammed into random receptacles, and wanted to sit in the booster seat next to Madi. They both examined and repacked their belongings before climbing down.
Next, it was coloring. Madi got out crayons and paper…Parker insisted that he was going to color too. They scribbled away, and then we headed upstairs for bathtime and playtime in Madi’s sparse room (she has “earned” back her playhouse, some toys and books). They spent the next half and hour climbing in and out of the playhouse, dragging books from the hallway and “reading” together. Parker just trailed behind, flipping through his book, which happened to be Beauty and the Beast. Hilarious.
They ate their snack together, snuggled on the recliner, watching Super WHY on PBS, and then we all played with Play-Dough. Parker would peer across the table to see what Madi was doing, and then try to duplicate it on his side of the table.
Of course, there had to be tragedy involved as well. Madi slammed his fingers in the bathroom door because they were both trying to get in and hang out with me while I was going to the bathroom.
But most of the time, it is just good old-fashioned fun, and now, thankfully…they are both taking a nap, and I’m recuperating for “Round Two”…

Lovin’ the pic~ Parker totally looks like you 🙂 Beautimous!