Parker has been on this “potty kick” where he will grab his diaper, yell “uh-oh” and dash to the bathroom to sit on the potty and read a magazine. This is, of course, after he has just gone in his diaper.
So last night, after Parker “went potty” for the second time, I put his diaper and pants back on, and sent him on his way, hoping that this would be the last time for a while. He went to take a step and promptly fell flat on his face…I had inadvertently put both his legs into one pant leg! I don’t know how I possibly could have missed this important detail, but alas, I did.
He, of course, started crying, and I…totally cracked up! It was just really funny how he fell straight forward and then was lying in a “pants straight jacket”. I know – not the most compassionate response, huh? But he was more startled than anything, so I just gave him a big hug, fixed his pants (laughing the whole time), and he ran on his merry way…

Can’t tell you how many times I’ve done that to Annie! That girl’s legs just seem to stick together!