So, I thought I would give a couple of updates on a few recent posts and on the kids in general…
Meal Planning: Last week’s meals turned out pretty well – especially the ribs. I made country style pork ribs with slathered on homemade tangy BBQ sauce, which were surprisingly tender and meaty. Ben wasn’t keen on the red potato appetizers that I made (too much sour cream and blue cheese for him) but I thought they were tasty! This week, I am going to grill chicken kabobs for the first time, so that should be interesting.
Madi’s Bedtime: The nightlight we were using is kind of hit or miss, and has been out of the picture because of dealing with her tantrums, but she actually went to bed last night without any problems. I was so relieved. Thanks for all of the ideas and support. It is nice to know that you aren’t alone in your struggles!
Chatty Parker: Last weekend, he said his first complete word…”ball”. He has been “talking” and saying “mama” and “da”, but this was a truly recognizable word. He also has been saying “baby”, “cheese”, and “whoa”. The rest of the time he jibber jabbers like we should know what he is saying, like “waaza bissa wuusa” and I just smile and say “Oh, that’s interesting!”
Joining the Mini-Van Crowd: We are picking up our first mini-van this evening – whoo hoo! It’s a 2008 Honda Odyssey, blue with gray interior, and we are very excited! It is going to be so much easier to transport everything around in…and since you are probably already thinking it…no, we are NOT pregnant. 🙂
I think that is it for now. I need to start tackling my to-do list for today while the kids are sleeping, starting with emptying out the Vue so we can trade it in tonight!