I remember that I am a Mom…
…when I realize that there are two toothbrushes in the bathroom and for the life of me, I can’t remember which one I have been using…
…when I am pushing a behemoth of a cart through Target with the three kids jabbering away and a woman looks at me sorrowfully and says, “God bless you”…
…when I come downstairs to make breakfast and I find an melted ice cream container sitting in the fridge next to the orange juice, where I unwittingly put it the night before…
…when the house doesn’t get cleaned…again…but we have some great little art projects to show for it, things like fairy collages, turkey pictures made out of foot and handprints, and cardboard picture frames…
…when I stay up late even though I’m exhausted just to enjoy a little peace and quiet…
…when I try to simultaneously make dinner, entertain Fiona with various teething rings, play Curious George the Super Helper game with Parker, and help Madi with her new Tinkerbell workbook…
…when Madi grabs my face with her two hands, looks me in the eyes and says, “You are the best Mommy ever”…

Love it!