I was pretty tired out on Sunday – either from the Zyrtec I took or just from life in general – so I decided to lie down and take a nap after I got the kids to sleep. They didn’t nap well on Saturday, so I thought…okay, they will probably sleep well today, so I will just nap for a half an hour and then I will get up and clean the house. Honestly…this was my plan.
So, I set my alarm clock and fell asleep. Did I get up? Well, I hit snooze…several times…ultimately just turned it off…and finally got up about five minutes before Parker woke up – just about enough time to zoom around and pick up the house before “round two” of the day.
Here’s the frustrating part.
Instead of thinking, “Wow, it was really nice to take a nap today”, I started beating myself up, thinking “Why did I even take a nap…now the house isn’t cleaned, my grocery list isn’t made, I don’t know what we’re going to eat for dinner…and so on”. Even though I know it is “false guilt”, it still finds a way into my mind. So annoying…

I totally do the same thing! It’s like: Relax much?