Sadly, Madi inherited my propensity towards carsickness. Poor kiddo. We have had several “incidents” over the last year or so, including throwing up in the chiropractor’s waiting room and losing it all over her carseat 45 minutes into our trip to Minnesota last summer.
We have taken a few trips to Kalamazoo over the last month, and it has been well, an interesting experience. Earlier this month, we drove down to visit my sister-in-law, and she made it into the bathroom before throwing up all over the floor. Last Friday’s trip? She kept saying she wasn’t feeling well, but we thankfully made it without incident.
After that experience, I did some research and found a great list of suggestions. Everything from eating crackers and ginger snaps to keeping Febreeze in the car to anti-nausea wristbands and lollipops. I printed it off, bought some ginger snaps, but didn’t think much more about it.
Today, we were driving down to Kalamazoo again, and my mind was wandering to how I was going to make up a “Carsickness Kit” for our trip to Minnesota next month with all of these great supplies, when I hear “Mommy, I’m going to throw up”.
I flew off the next exit…Shelbyville to be exact…dragged her out of the car and leaned her head over these tall weeds by the side of the road. Nothing. Put her back in the car, closed the door, and by the time I walked around to my side of the car, she had lost it all over herself and the carseat.
I did not even have a plastic bag in the car, let alone a change of clothes for her. Talk about poor implementation of my great ideas! So, I mopped it up as best I could, thanked my lucky stars that I didn’t give her any milk for breakfast (less stinky), put Parker’s spare pants on her, wrapped her in my coat, sat her in her damp carseat on top of the cloth bag that held her books and toys, and got back on the road.
The rest of the way there I beat myself up for not being prepared…at all…and feeling horrible for my darling daughter who still looked a little peaked. I also determined that we aren’t going ANY trips longer than 30 minutes without my full “Carsickness Kit” in tow.
Never again…