It was just over a year ago when we decided to put Madi in first grade, causing her to “skip” kindergarten. It was a really hard decision, one that came after many conversations, testing, and prayer. At the time, we were so worried that we were putting her into a situation where she would feel out of touch, both academically and socially, and that we were only projecting our expectations on her.
I distinctly remember sitting in a little blue chair with tennis balls on the feet and blubbering my way through a meeting with the first grade teacher, Mrs. V. She handed me Kleenex and told me that it was perfectly okay to cry and that parenting is tough, no matter what the situation. She was wise and encouraging, and I left feeling good about our decision to move Madi up into first grade.
During the last week of school, I met once again with Mrs. V to talk about Madi’s year, and as I sat down in the same little blue chair, I felt the tears welling up again. (Actually, I am crying again as I type this….) I cried as she told me how she thought Madi had an amazing year, and how she loved how much Madi enjoyed science and writing. I cried as she shared how she watched Madi mature emotionally over the course of the year, learning how to relate with her classmates and to not cry over every little thing. (I guess she takes after her mother.)
I cried as she affirmed that…yes, it was the right decision to put her in first grade. (Excuse me while I go blow my nose…)
When I think about the past year, I can’t help but thank God for directing our paths, for sending us to get tested at Sylvan Learning Centers with someone we knew from Cornerstone, for giving Madi an amazing teacher who was with her every step of the way, and for bringing us to a group of kids who welcomed Madi in with open arms.
It has been a great year, one full of changes and challenges for Madi. Her first journal entry on September 8th read,
“In 1st grade, i want to lern math.”
On May 9th, she wrote,
“My dad is awsome cause he bought me a water bottle and a socer ball when sombody stole my old one.” (true story…)
It is an incredible thing…to be able to watch your kids grow up. It also can be an overwhelming task…to trust that you are making the right decisions for your kids, knowing that you won’t always do the right thing. Thankfully, in this situation, I know that we did…
Onward to second grade…and new challenges!