I leaned against the garage door, shivering a little bit in the cool morning air, as I waited for customers to find their way to our little garage sale. Absentmindedly, I scrolled through my Twitter feed, stopping the spinning screen on a post that caught my eye. It was by Beki at The Rusted Chain, putting out the call to Christian bloggers to share where we saw God’s fingerprints today.
“Cool”, I thought, and I looked up to see Fiona and Parker trotting across the yard with overflowing watering cans to water the not-so-thirsty garden.
I called over to Fiona, “Hey Fi-Bi, come over here!”
She hollered, “Okay, Mom”, dropped her watering can, and galloped over to me.
Because one thing that clearly shows me the amazing intricacy, creativity, and thoughtfulness of God’s fingerprints is when I look into the sweet faces of my children. When I feel my heart bursting with so much love for that I would do anything humanly possible for them, I am thrown by the immensity of how much God gave up when he sacrificed His Son…for us.
So I snapped her picture…God’s fingerprints in action…and then she dashed off to her gardening duties…