Over Thanksgiving, we visited my parents in upstate New York, and one of the many activities that we crammed into the weekend, on top of celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas, running a Turkey Trot race, and eating lots of homemade Christmas cookies, my Mom scheduled family pictures.
Of our family of 12.
With four kids.
Plus a grandparent/grandkid picture.
And individual family pictures.
On Black Friday.
In a 20 minute session at JCPenney.
Let’s just say that I was less than optimistic about the outcome. In reality, I expected that the large family picture would have at least one crying baby, the grandkid picture would be missing at least one grandkid, and that our own family picture simply wouldn’t happen.
Thankfully, Fiona woke up at 5 a.m. on Friday (note my sarcasm), so I had plenty of time to get the kids crammed into their Christmas outfits and even a little time to blow dry my hair, which was the first Christmas miracle of the day.
(On a side note, kudos to Target for having cute cheap black shoes for the girls, since I completely forgot they needed to wear something other than beat up sneakers.)
We even left the house on time, which was the second Christmas miracle, because if you know anything about the Cherne family, we are not known for being prompt. In fact, we were the family growing up that routinely showed up for church about halfway through worship. Routinely.
I was in “focused Mom mode” as we entered the store. Keep the kids occupied, avoid tears at all cost so that no one has a blotchy face, eat snacks without crumbs, don’t let Parker run around, keep track of Ben as he wanders around the store…and then it was our turn.
20 minutes. Three backgrounds. 25 frames. And…go.
A flurry of adjustments, a few tears, and one determined photographer later, we finished all of our pictures without any major incidents or family rifts. I quickly herded the kids back to the waiting area and started changing Fiona’s outfit when Parker tapped me on the shoulder.
“Mom”, he said, “what about MY picture?”
I tried to convince him that we had just taken his picture, numerous times, but he was adamant that he wanted his picture taken…by himself. I looked at him, so excited, and shrugged my shoulders.
“Go ask Grammy if we have any pictures left”, I said. He dashed off, and sure enough, we had a few extra frames, and he got his wish. His very own pictures…all by himself.
Maybe it is a middle child thing – wanting to have a moment to shine. Or maybe it is just Parker…being Parker. Whatever the reason, it made me stop in the midst of all the madness and smile at the way his little mind works, and reminded me that he needs those moments to feel special, just like the girls.
We now have three 5 x 7 pictures of Parker, grinning in his red Christmas sweater. One copy is sitting proudly in Parker’s room, right next to his bed. It’s odd, and adorable, and so very…Parker.
I love how kids grow up right next to you and develop their own little quirks and habits. I love how Parker has to have everything lined up precisely, like his card matches when we play Old Maid. I love how Fiona has to cart around her little water thermos everywhere she goes. I love how Madi thrashes around when she sleeps and usually ends up with just her green blankie tucked under her chin.
And I love Parker’s picture…

Adele is very much like Parker – very organized, sometimes verging on obsessing! Parker is such a handsome little guy, and I’m glad to hear you guys all survived the photo studio. You never know with those places.