I found this quote on the side of the take home box from the restaurant we went to last night for my birthday. It’s an interesting statement, but what does “dining well” mean? I think that it includes both the food you eat and the environment you eat it in.
For example, after our fine dining experience last night, where we ate our carefully crafted food leisurely and were able to complete our sentences, I think we both felt relaxed and renewed as a couple.
In comparison, most of our family meals are a bit more hectic. I do my best to make meals that are going to be tasty (but things the kids will eat), but many times I feel like I am “slamming” my food while trying to keep one kid from throwing all of his food on the floor and trying to convince the other kid to take at least three more bite. It is also difficult to have a conversation about anything that is longer than a “How was your day?”…”Good”. Sometimes we walk away from those meals feeling a little frazzled and disconnected as a couple.
But, you know – both types of meals can be “dining well”…because I don’t think I would appreciate the quiet meals if we never had a hectic one. And I know I enjoy all the hilarious moments that the kids provide…Parker grinning mischieviously while he dangles his sippy over the side of the highchair for the 10th time in 10 minutes…Madi saying, “Mmmm Mommy, this food is tasty. Thank you for making it for me” or asking Daddy if “he brought home the bacon today…”
So, here’s to “dining well”…