I’ll be honest…with summer ending soon, I have been hit with a bad case of the “iwishiwouldas”…
…iwishiwoulda scheduled a garage sale to force me to declutter and get rid of the huge “to be sold” pile I keep tripping over in my laundry room…
…iwishiwoulda dragged myself out of bed earlier to exercise more than twice that one week in June, instead of snoring until a small grinning face peeked up over the side of the bed and asked, “is it wakeup time?”…
…iwishiwoulda actually completed the home to-do list that we made at the beginning of the summer, instead of hiding it under coloring pages and alphabet magnets on the side of the fridge…
…iwishiwoulda got the kids involved in the amazing activities that everyone else seems to have done…VBS, enrichment classes, nature trails, piano lessons…
So many iwishiwouldas that I have to reach up and smack myself in the back of the head so hard that my glasses pop off my face. Only then am I reminded to look at the “imgladigottas” instead…
…imgladigotta organize my teaching supplies so I could have closure on a difficult transition…
…imgladigotta run in five races this summer, including being able to run with my husband, cheer on my two sisters, get beat by good friends, and cross the finish line with my 3 year old…
…imgladigotta spend days accomplishing nothing on my to-do list, but making great memories…
…imgladigotta give the kids our version of amazing activities, not only going to the beach, splashing down waterslides, and watching parades, but also eating popsicles, going for walks, and watching plenty of “shows”…
There’s nothing better to cure the iwishiwouldas…but a thankful heart…
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