So…somehow my latest Blue Couch Confession ended up being appropriate for the end of our “Back to School” series over at Mom Colored Glasses. I literally sat down to talk about putting pictures up on my walls and how that has made our house seem more “lived in” and less like a hotel. But then, Fiona trotted into the picture with her ever-present pile of babies and Parker tromped down the stairs wearing his tap shoes and sticking his head directly in front of the camera (he’s quite the camera hog), I rambled off into the mixed emotions that I was feeling about school starting again.
Excited and traumatized…all at the same time.
It’s like this internal emotional roller coaster that hasn’t given me much mental room to think about everything else that “has” to get done. And it seems like that every time I start to get really overwhelmed by the constant work that having all three kids around full time…they run over and give me a “squeezy hug” or host a celebration in my honor…
If you didn’t see the post on Mom Colored Glasses, you can head over by clicking here and check it out!