Growing up, I was a very typical “big sister”. My youngest sister Kristin regularly called me her “second Mom”, which she found annoying, and I was convinced that I was just trying to look out for her…whether it was telling her what she could and could not do in a bossy big sister way or trying to protect her from harm. Actually, she would probably still call me that…
Now, I am able to see this persona developing with Madi and her self-initiated “big sister” duties with Parker. For example, lately Parker has become obsessed with trying to stand on the stool in the downstairs bathroom and wash his hands, “just like Madi”. So, Madi took it upon herself to “help” him wash his hands…squeeze piles of foamy soap on his hands, put his fingertips under the water and dry his hands on the towel.
She has also become a source of entertainment for him…either through putting piles of toys around him or by chasing him around the first floor of the house. He thinks this is hilarious, and has started to “tackle” her with huge hugs around her middle and they often end up on a pile on the floor.
Other big sister tasks? Helping to wash Parker’s hair in the bathtub, mimicking me when I’m telling Parker to not do something, and most recently…pulling Parker in our big red wagon when we go for a walk around the block. The thought usually crosses my mind that someone is probably driving by thinking, “why is she letting her daughter struggle with that wagon!” Truth is, she won’t let me take over…at least not for the first 3/4 of the ride!
Someday Parker will probably complain about Madi’s mothering, but I know from personal experience that it is all out of love!

I hope Gracie is EXACTLY like that!