“Aren’t you sick of the beach?” That was the question that my sister asked me when I told her that we went to the Grand Haven beach on Labor Day. And I said, with appropriate fervor…
If we stayed home, we would most undoubtedly spend the day doing jobs around the house and refereeing Madi and Parker’s arguments about who was playing with which toy first. Not fun. So, we headed to the beach for a “Family Fun Day” – sunny, slight breeze, refreshing water – the perfect beach day.
The other nice thing is that after over two weeks at the beach this summer, we have the routine down pat. I know what snacks pack well, to bring extra beverages, to not put a swimming diaper on Parker right away because he will leak through, what toys the kids will play with, how often to reapply sunscreen, and how to carry a 30 lb. kid through the sand while also carrying a couple lawn chairs, a backpack, a bag of shovels and buckets, and a beach umbrella.
Which made it so much more relaxing – we were able to go, do our thing, play with the kids, go swimming, eat our lunch, and head home without too much incident. The only bad thing was that by the time we got back to the car to leave, I was sweatier than when we arrived. Figures.
So now, I don’t have my laundry done, still have work to do for class this week, but we had such a great time as a family. And really, isn’t that what it is all about? Taking a break from our “labor”? I wouldn’t have had it any other way…