One of my favorite classic movies is White Christmas, which means that sometimes the song lyrics pop into my head at the strangest times. After the “Blizzard of 2011”, Ben and I found ourselves at 9:30 p.m. digging out the end of our driveway after the snowplow came through. The snow was almost up to my shoulders, and as we took turns hacking at the huge chunks of frozen snow with our dirt shovel and then scooping them out with our snow shovel, I found myself singing a tune from White Christmas…
I’ll soon be there with snow
I’ll wash my hair with snow
And with a spade of snow
I’ll build a man that’s made of snow
I’d love to stay up with you but I recommend a little shuteye
Go to sleep
And dream
Of snow
Great thought Bing, but a spade doesn’t do a very good job picking up snow…just saying…
But the enthusiasm for snow? I’m sure my kids were dreaming about snow…they were so excited to have a couple of snow days including an entire afternoon playing outside in the snow with Daddy. Here are a few pics from their adventures…