A little context first…
Parker and Madi both have birthdays this week and we are having a party on Saturday, presumedly for both of them, but really it is more for Madi. I mean, it is a princess party for heavens sales! So, being the paranoid Mom that I am, and not wanting Parker to be left in the dust, we celebrated his birthday this week with presents, cake, balloons, lunch at Fridays, stuff like that.
Well, Tuesday nights I have class, so in the spirit of having everyone there to celebrate (meaning I didn’t want to miss it), we had dinner and cake with candles and the whole nine yards on Wednesday.
A little sidenote? Family Fare sells really cute little rectangular cakes with non-dairy whipped topping, and it was really tasty.
Back to the birthday story…
It’s time for cake, and we have about 10 minutes before Ben and the kids have to leave for their haircut appointment (I know, jamming a lot in), so I grab the cake, light up the candles, and head into the darkened dining room with my camera in one hand and the cake in the other. I proceed to set it down on the table and it slides off the plastic base halfway across the table. Whoops! Luckily, nothing caught on fire…
But that wasn’t the worst part…Ben goes, “why are there 4 candles on the cake?” Yep, I gave my two year old 4 candles. I couldn’t stop laughing and shaking my head at the ridiculousness of it all! Too many birthdays, too much on my mind, and too little sleep, I guess.
So, yes, Parker will be able to look back at the pictures and say that we celebrated his second birthday, but he will also be able to say I thought he was turning four.
Give me an E for effort, though…and afterwards, Ben says, “Wow, this is definitely a bloggable moment…” so, here it is!

Crazy how life can be turned into “bloggable moments” and facebook statuses isn’t it??How happy you must be to be getting a child born in May! 😀