Closing on our house felt like it would never come, but when last Friday rolled around, it was almost surprising. Thankfully uneventful, we signed our name in blue ink until it cramped, and then headed back to the rental to start loading up the trailers.
Once they were loaded, we all drove the now-familiar route over to the house. I just love this picture of Fiona walking down the street to the house. I can’t even think of how many times she will walk that same path…probably in a tutu.
The garage filled up [too] quickly, and we began to move boxes and bins to bedrooms and storage closets.
The kitchen took on a “lived-in” feel, with purses and bags strewn about, and the girls quickly found comfortable places to hang out and stay out of the way.
After Ben and the gang headed back to the rental for the second load, I decided to take a break from moving boxes, and instead headed out to the front porch, bottle of Windex in hand, to spot-clean the front windows. I’m not sure why that was my break, but regardless, I was out on the porch when the only other family that has moved in on our street walked by.
I waved hello…then we started chatting…then we moved to the driveway, with the kids running around in circles on the cement. By the time Ben pulled into the driveway with the second load, our future next door neighbors and a couple from the next street over had joined us and I was inside giving a tour to two of the women, while the kids ran up and down the stairs.
It might have surprised Ben a little bit, because as he said, “…we have only had the keys for a couple of hours”, but it felt good. It definitely helps that we all have an instant common bond, and building a house is an instant conversation starter. But you still have to start the conversation, regardless of your sweaty hair, dirty feet, and unpacked boxes. We wanted our home to be a place where people feel comfortable stopping to chat or kick off their shoes, and it was amazing to have that even on the very first day.
We have a lot to do before we are fully “moved in” – I am in the middle of piles of miscellaneous “stuff” that needs to be packed, but it was a good start…a very good start…