We found out the Friday before spring break that they were planning to start framing on Monday. Right on schedule, they started to frame out the basement and start the corner of the garage. (I’m sure there is a reason for this wall being up first…just don’t ask me.)


Then, we left to visit my mom in Minnesota for a few days. We drove home on Saturday, and even before we went and picked up dinner at Wendy’s, we stopped at the house. It was worth the grumbling tummies…

Monday again…


It was fantastic to be able to walk through the rooms and feel the space out. Closet here…bathroom there…pantry in here…it was all there, translated from paper to reality in such a cool way. Almost made me wish I was an architect…almost. I think I’ll settle for seeing my own house built from someone else’s drawings and our inspiration.
They say that once this phase is done, things happen much more slowly and invisibly. But wow, we have thoroughly enjoyed the dramatic changes from a big dirt pile to our future residence.
Enjoyed it…with a capital E.