Last Sunday, my in-laws came up to Grand Rapids to check on our house progress. It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny, and it was fun to be able to show it off a little. When we tromped up to the edge and peeked over, we were pleasantly to see they had squeezed in some plumbing and waterproofing over the weekend.
I love Fiona’s get-up…winter boots, dress, and little bare legs…
Ben and his Dad were much braver than I as they checked things out. I stayed way back and squawked out warnings…”Don’t fall!” “Don’t do anything dangerous!” “Be careful!” (I’m a barrel of laughs, I know…)
And then, we left, thinking that nothing would happen for at least a week. But then, I decided to stop by on Thursday, and we drove up in the middle of the basement floor being poured. It was amazing timing, especially for the kids to jump out and take a look. Parker was especially intrigued…
I was surprised at how different it all looked…again…now that the walls were all backfilled. It’s starting to look like a real house!
To top it all off, we stopped by Friday night, and we saw a glimpse of what is to come next week…
Can’t wait to see what next week has in store!