My kiddos generate artwork by the bucketful. The first stop is usually the paper bin next to the craft area until I figure out what I am going to do with it. Most of it ultimately ends up in the recycling bin, but lately, I have come across a few things that they have created that shout out their character and personalities.
Fiona: She is starting to draw people and write her name, which is another confirmation that she is growing up. This little person had to be on the fridge in an honored spot, along with the other kid’s schoolwork.
Parker: He sat down after lunch one day and started to draw his creatures. The names were all his own, too. I love his creativity and sense of fun, and this totally speaks to his goofy side. My favorite? Pretty Bitty’s googly eyes.
Madi: She made this picture for me, and like so many things she does, it brought a smile to my face. She is so thoughtful and brings such love and affection to the people around her. It’s just like her to do something so sweet…
But this one was my favorite. I came home from yoga one Saturday morning and the girls came running up to share the big news. I read it while they jabbered away about the morning, how Fiona prayed with Madi to ask Jesus into her heart. Fiona was literally jumping up and down screaming, “I prayed! I’m a Christian! I prayed! With Madi!” It was so precious to see my girls talking about God, and to see Fiona looking up to her big sister and registering, on a very basic level, what Jesus is all about.
It’s a keeper…