Okay…okay…I can’t do a whole week of gifts just about one kid and not write about the other two. What if they found out someday and it ruined their self-esteem permanently…what if they were never able to accomplish their long-sought-after goals because they thought I didn’t love them just as much…what if…
Maybe I’m being just a tad paranoid, but regardless, this week is all about Parker. He is quite the kid…full of life and imagination…a born performer…and my buddy…
On to the gifts…I am so thankful for:
#297: His musicality…the kid can keep a beat, snap his fingers, and play any instrument he picks up
#298: Our afternoons snuggled up on the couch reading stories
#299: His love of fedoras
#300: His paintings that have absolute symmetry
#301: How he can frustrate me one second…and then make me smile the very next second
#302: His interpretative dance moves…complete with somersaults, jazz hands, and the craziest facial expressions
#303: The joy on his face when he finds out he is staying home…so he can wear shorts
#304: The amount of time he and I get to spend together right now…as a soon-to-be kindergartner…
#305: His love of making movies…as he carts around my Flip camera attached to a tripod making his “very own shows”
#306: His ticklish spots…all of them
#307: How he giggles and gets all sweaty when he wrestles with Ben
#308: That the girls all love him at preschool
#309: His hair brained ideas…glitter glue concoctions, marshmallow muffin recipes, elaborate productions, you name it…
#310: That the minute he was born, he stole my heart…my handsome (and silly) boy…