Every once in a while, I get a good day with the kids.
I’m not saying that most days are “bad”, but you know what I’m talking about, right?
Today was a good day.
Madi and Parker made a movie…and I didn’t have to be one of the actors.
They all played with play-dough together…Madi used our new Play-Dough sticks (which are awesome), Parker wrapped globs of play-dough around a rope hanging down from the wall, and Fiona made her typical birthday cake out of the multi-colored glob she jammed together.
No one went to time out.
I didn’t get harassed about “watching a show” until mid-afternoon.
We did a semi-educational activity in the afternoon…a blindfolded test where we sniffed and tasted items and tried to guess what they were…a marshmallow, a cookie, an orange, a cashew…the kids especially loved picking out what I tasted. (It was harder than it looked)
The kids shared their electronic devices…Nooks, Leapsters, iPads all rotated without too much hassle. This is a bona-fide miracle.
Fiona took a real nap, uninterrupted by picking Madi up from school. For that reason alone, I love snow days.
We played hair dresser, and I ended up with a very nice braided updo, courtesy of Madi.
And yes, we played outside in the first real snowfall of the season…Fiona made about a dozen snow angels, we tried to throw snowballs, and played hide and seek. I didn’t realize how many more fun places there are to hide in the winter…like just about anywhere you can lay down in the snow.
Here are a couple pics to prove how good the day was…they were taken at 5:00 p.m…usually the absolute worst time of day, and they are SMILING!

It was a good day…and I’ll take it…