I was flipping through the pictures on my phone, and I couldn’t help but smile at the moments I have caught recently of Parker. He is obsessed with plays, making movies, really anything that has to do with performing. Even when one of the other kids are singing or dancing, he always finds some way to be part of the action, either jumping around in the background or chiming in with their performance. (Madi tolerates it…Fiona usually smacks him)
Case in point…
We were at the Children’s Museum last week, and he spent a good chunk of time making faces at himself in the mirror…
…and playing the pretend instruments on stage…
…but what really got me was when I mounted my little Flip camera on a tripod and he spent the entire afternoon recording himself (and others). He did a complete cooking show of me making dinner, a movie of Madi reading a book, and this picture of him hosting his own play-dough demonstration show. He went through an entire 8-pack of AA batteries…in one day.
Maybe he will grow out of this phase…or maybe he will be an amazing actor or director someday. But for now, I’m just enjoying his bottomless creativity, enthusiasm, and prepping furiously for his next directing gig…the annual Christmas play at Gramma & Papa’s house.
(And yes, he is going to be the “director”…)