#185: Crumbs under the dining room table
#186: Mickey Mouse stickers on the kitchen door
#187: Overflowing laundry baskets
#188: Sleeping on 1/2 of a toddler bed
#189: Stretching fitted sheets onto the top bunk
#190: Ground up goldfish in the minivan
#191: Pop beads buried in the shag carpet
#192: Dried play dough…everywhere…
#193: Piles of “art projects”
#194: Kids shampoo spilled all over the bathroom floor
#195: Stuffed animals falling on my head from the pet net
#196: The Wiggles station on Pandora
#197: Kraft creamy macaroni & cheese
#198: The beautiful mess that my kids make in my life…and the unbelievable blessing that they are to me…