It’s been a no good, down in the dumps, bummer week. I don’t get dragged down too often, but between having crazy hormonal issues, pulling a muscle in my neck that gave me a massive headache for the entire week, finding out that we really can’t move until next year, and learning that good friends of ours are moving in six weeks…well, it was a little too much to handle.
Leave it to my kiddos to find a way to cheer me up…they love the Voice Memos feature on my phone, and Parker did a little interview with me telling all about our “toilet disaster” last week. It was a doozy…
Yes, Parker is the one who clogged the toilet up with one of his “super poops”, and yes, I should have never tried the “flush and plunge” method, and yes, it was quite disastrous. Parker felt so bad as he watched me running around frantically and told me “maybe I just shouldn’t poop ever again”. I was like “NO! NO! Even if you clog the toilet EVERY time, you should ALWAYS go to the bathroom!” It was probably pretty comical, because while I was muttering under my breath about the mess, I was also grinning at Parker like a crazy person trying to be super positive about his bathroom habits…
Good times…

Is it a coincidence that the google ad on your post is for an emergency plumber? I found that to be quite comical! I do hate toilet disasters and we have our share of those at our house!
I could have used an emergency plumber that day…:) I didn’t know that ads showed up, so that is pretty hilarious! 🙂