Dear Madi,
I have never been very good with goodbyes. When I was little, I would cry every time that my Dad left for a business trip, even if he was going to be back the next day. When we would leave my grandparent’s house after a visit, I would cry for at least the first 50 miles.
But sending you off to school this morning was the toughest goodbye yet. It seems like just yesterday that you were toddling around the house pulling all the toilet paper off the roll and throwing food off your highchair tray. But this morning, with your polka-dotted backpack and huge grin, you looked so grown up.
It’s going to be tough to adjust to having you in school all day. Selfishly, I wish that you could stay a little kid forever, so we can keep having our “adventures”. But then, you wouldn’t get to learn new things and meet new friends, and well, I would probably get a little boring after a while.
I know you are excited and nervous, and honestly, so am I. School is going to be awesome, but it isn’t always perfect. There will be fun projects and boring tests…easy worksheets and tricky homework. You will make lots of friends, but you will have your feelings hurt too. Sometimes you will feel the thrill of accomplishment, and other times you will feel frustrated and alone.
The goodbyes will get easier for me, and I promise that I won’t cry every morning. But remember that no matter how many times we say goodbye and how grown up you get, you can always come home and get a big hug, a snack, and a listening ear.
I love you Madi…have a great first day…
Love mom

Sending hugs your way. In October Abraham will start preschool. I’ll be sobbing even more than I am already today saying goodbye to the older three.