Ben and the kids went to a CD release party last night at Kentwood Community Church. Tommee Proffit, guy in his twenties, just released his 3rd CD of contemporary Christian music. He is pretty good…catchy lyrics and a cool vibe.
The event was a mixture of live music, talking to the crowd, and videos showing his journey. On one of the clips, he talked about how his goal isn’t to play in front of sold out arenas, even though that would be nice. His goal is to have the greatest impact on the people he is able to reach with his music.
As I listened to Ben talk about the night (Parker liked it and Madi thought it was too loud), I thought how refreshing it was to hear him take that perspective, instead of measuring success by the dollars in his bank account or by the number of people who buy his CD.
Impact. The word is particularly relevant for me, as I think about hopefully launching a new blog, (, this summer with the help of a few friends and with the contributions of hopefully many of you. It’s not going to replace Circle of Quiet, but I hope for it to be a place where Moms can share their unique point of view as they see the world through “mom colored glasses”.
I’m excited about it…and worried about finding a virtual niche for yet another “mom blog”. Regardless of who reads it? It’s all about impact…and if one person looks at the world a bit differently or is encouraged in this crazy thing called motherhood, then it will be a success.
— Rachel

Love your perspective!!!! And, love you!