The term “mom jeans” kind makes me cringe…images of an unflattering silhouette and a 10 inch rise come to mind. But a conversation with my sister about the travails of finding clothes that fit “post-baby” got me thinking about my version of the “mom jean”. So, here are my requirements…
– A waistline that holds in your baby belly AND doesn’t ride down your backside, without it sitting three inches above your belly button. Seriously…I spend way too much time on the floor to have to worry about this.
– Stain resistant fabric which must withstand errant juice box squirts, green bean flavored spit up, and jelly smears. I have gone too many places with dried stains on my pants…no more.
– Extra pockets to hold items such as my iPhone, keychain, half eaten lollipops, and the occasional craft project. If this could happen without baggy cargo pockets…super…my thighs are big enough as it is, thank you very much…
– Reinforced knees with fade proof fabric to offset all of the hours spent crawling around picking up toys and playing Hi-Ho Cherry-O. All of my jeans have paper thin knees and have been rubbed almost white…
– Adjustable length, so they can be worn with sneakers during the day and wedge heels in the evening. All of my money seems to go towards dance recital costumes, diapers, and apple juice, so my personal clothing budget is pretty minuscule.
– Flattering cut and fit would be nice too…just because my audience includes a toddler who wears hula skirts over his sweatpants and a preschooler who would live in stretchy pants if I let her doesn’t mean I don’t like to look decent.
That’s it…I don’t think that’s too much to ask, do you?
— Post From My iPhone

I am laughing so much right now! You are so clever with your descriptions of life! So true!