I sit in the hairdressers chair, staring at myself in the mirror, waiting for Beth Ann to make her way over to me. She has 3 or 4 clients “in the works” and it reminds me of a game on my phone – Susie’s Hair Salon – where you have to race against the clock to get everyone coiffed just right before they get mad and leave.
As I wait, I contemplate my appearance…and wonder if there is some secret switch that makes you look extra frumpy right before you get your hair cut so that you agree to all sorts of wild procedures to remedy it. I would be a sucker for this, without a doubt, because when Beth Ann says the magic words, “What are we going to do tonight?”, I take one more look at my dirty blonde hair laying on my shoulders in a big lump and spit out my typical response, “Whatever you think…”
This response has not always served me well, because in the past, hairdressers have taken that opening and run with it…there was that dreaded pixie haircut in college, which took years to grow out…and various other highlights that went horribly wrong. But…I feel okay with our plan for a partial foil (because in her words, “it’s more believable, because the sun never hits the underneath of your hair”) and a layered cut, even when she starts shearing off large chunks of hair around my face, and I hope I’m still able to get it up into a ponytail.
A brisk hairwash, cut, and foil later, I am sitting under the dryer, my absolute favorite part. Usually I catch up on my “news”…tonight it is US Weekly. I look at pictures of pregnant celebrities and read about the latest hookups…mindless entertainment while waiting for my head to cook.
Oooo…best and worst dressed of 2009…my favorite…I especially like looking at the train wreck looks. It always makes me wonder if they are just especially clueless or did Miley Cyrus really think that shredded leggings looked attractive?
All too soon, my time in the warm dryer cocoon is over, and I move back to the chair for the finishing touches. I always like how they try to show you how easy it is to style your hair. Yeah right…what I need to make my hair look like it does at the salon is my own personal hairdresser to come and do my hair for me every day.
I pay my bill without flinching, even throwing in some products for good measure, giddy with my trimmed bangs and golden streaks.
VoilĂ …the transformation from frumpy to fabulous is complete…
— Post From My iPhone

Your hair looks great! Isn’t it so nice to have some refreshment and feel like an actual person! Especially after having a baby!
I love the picture and saved two. Love
I went down to the hairdressers because I looked in the mirror and went, this has to change. We figured out it had been since asparagus season, or early spring to any non farmers out there. I love sitting there reading those magazines then….best and worst dressed is always my fav. I keep telling Darcy if she wants me to look that good all the time, she would have to come over every day. Glad you love your new ‘do’.