One of those days…
…where I brought the kids over to a friend’s house while I went to do a guest lecture, nursing Fiona right before I left, but she still cried for 45 minutes of the two hours I was gone…
…where I backed out of my friend’s driveway with time to spare, but then promptly crunched into the pickup truck parked directly across the street…
…where I timed my departure for dance class down to the minute, just to have Fiona spit up all over my pants and blowout her diaper five minutes before we were supposed to leave…
…where I got home from dance class and realized that I forgot to return our library books again, even though they were due on Tuesday…
…where I collapsed on the couch for a couple of hours of mindless television (thanks Survivor) after getting the kids to bed, instead of doing all the things on my “list”…
Boy, am I thankful for new tomorrows…

This sure was a rough day. But you made it through with your sense of humor. That is much better than some. We are having fun with Elliot, Renae and Jeremy.