I sink into the couch with a deep sigh of relief…it is 8:15 p.m. and I am officially off “kid duty” for the day. I can hear Ben still wrangling with two hyper kiddos upstairs, trying to get them to stop giggling long enough to pray and sing a bedtime song. Fiona is tucked into bed too – she had one decent nap today and a couple catnaps, so she was ready to crash early tonight. I should go to bed early, but I’m kind of craving Baskin Robbins York Peppermint Pattie ice cream and some adult television that doesn’t tell me what to do (“Say Map….SAY MAP!”), and that is NOT baseball. (I know the Tigers are going for the pennant, but really, do they have to play SO many games?)
Ben might have to make the ice cream run though, because I’m not sure if I can get off the couch. I’m okay while I dash around the house wiping noses and playing duck-duck-goose, but once I stop, I realize that every muscle in my body is achy and sore. Let’s take an inventory…
My left arm and shoulder are sore from lugging Fiona around the mall yesterday for two hours, because I forgot the stroller AND the sling AND the Bjorn.
My mouth hurts from my dentist appointment, where they informed me I have two cavities and swollen postpartum gums.
My back is sore from carting Fiona around this afternoon in the sling while the kids and I made pizza and played in the backyard, including a stint of kicking black walnuts into a pile to pick up later (maybe I was just making it easier for the squirrels to find them…who knows).
The rest of me is sore from running last night, where I smushed together my workout, running even when my phone pronounced “walk now” in my ear, so I could get back to the house before it was pitch black outside.
Yes, I am still running…into week six. Sometimes I wonder why I decided to start running at this point in my life. I’m still nursing, wearing glasses, and the days are getting shorter and shorter. I can’t go in the morning anymore, because it is too dark, and it is tricky trying to squeeze it in after dinner and before sunset. But…I’m making progress, evidenced by the fact that I ran about two miles the other day without stopping, which I haven’t done since college…and more importantly, no one has stopped recently to try and give me a ride. Success…
Of course…as soon as I typed the word success, Ben piped in to tell me about someone on Facebook who ran 20 miles today…doesn’t he realize that I’m trying to pat myself on the back over here?
Well, here’s to another week come and gone…full of firsts…first lipstick covered face, first show and tell day, and first attempt at eating oatmeal. I may be bone tired, but it’s nothing a little frozen treat can’t cure…

I am sending you my prayers and support. You should be very proud of your accomplishments (those with the kids too) this week. I will not be running 2 miles any time soon.
I loved the painted child look. Elliot had a good look too.