I never understood why my Mom always made a big deal about celebrating wedding anniversaries. She always sends us a card and a gift, and she has thrown plenty of parties too…I remember the time she planned a surprise party for a family friend’s tenth anniversary when we were in elementary school. It seemed normal at the time, but now I don’t know if it would even cross my consciousness to throw an anniversary party for one of OUR friends.
I just didn’t get it…until my Mom recently told me “the rest of the story”.
My Mom grew up in International Falls, Minnesota…yes, the place that they always show on the weather map in the winter because of the dreadfully low wind chills. She lived on a farm with a root cellar, fresh bread every day, and the occasional tornado…(She also lived without indoor plumbing for part of her childhood, but that’s a story for another day.)
Another part of her growing up years was celebrating anniversaries. Her aunt and uncle’s anniversary rolls around? Family members would congregate for cake. Milestone year? Round up all the friends and neighbors you can find. Oh, and throw in a porcelain figurine to commemorate the event. A little unusual, in my opinion…so when she told me this, I crinkled up my forehead in disbelief (deepening the wrinkles between my eyebrows for sure) but a little bonus…gained a new understanding of my Mom…cool, right?
But as I thought more about it, I decided that I needed to suspend my disbelief…because there might be something to this whole idea. If I think about the number of divorces out there, and how casually marriage is treated, maybe part of the solution is to remember to celebrate when marriages succeed…not only yours, but those around you. It seems motivational…like a little pat on the back for working hard on your marriage. Plus, who could turn down a piece of Costco cake? It’s a good plan, straight from the streets of the Falls.
So, thanks Mom, for letting me into a sliver of your life…and for reminding me that marriage isn’t something to take lightly, but is something we should certainly celebrate.
— Post From My iPhone

I have to get Mom to read this too. Ely was quite the same as may be able to tell my your grandmother’s regular attention to significant dates. I agree, paying attention to these anniversaries is important. Of course it took me longer to figure this out.