After getting all loosened up from my massage, I then proceeded to go play soccer last night and jam up all my muscles again. Thankfully, it isn’t anything competitive, just a group of women getting some exercise. I was a little…uh…worried…considering I really had not exercised since before I got pregnant with Fiona (not a pregnant marathon runner, that is for sure). Ben was like, “Have you even walked fast yet?”
I’m sure, that I looked pretty comical dragging myself up and down the field in some version of slow motion. Talk about not easing into it! I think the hardest thing about it is that in my head I know what I should do or how fast I should run, but when it translates to my body, it doesn’t compute. It’s like watching a movie of yourself where the audio doesn’t match up with the picture…really frustrating and hard to watch!
It is something, I suppose, instead of absolutely no exercise outside of “kidercise”. Which, frankly, can be somewhat effective. I wake up almost every morning kind of sore from my Mom workout….
– Quads: Carry 37 lb. son up flight of stairs, preferably while he is kicking and screaming. Repeat throughout the day…8-10 repetitions
– Biceps: Rock 12 lb. infant to sleep…standing up and walking around the house until you can’t feel your wrists…two hours at a time
– Upper Body: Push child in toddler swing…”so high” while singing every song you can think of, including old Patch the Pirate ditties…if you have a son who will swing for 30 minutes at a time, this helps
-Cardio: Dance around the living room to the tunes of Kidz Bop, Dora, and Veggietales. Includes swinging kids around in the air and/or rocking infant while dancing.
– Whole Body: Attempt taking a walk with two toddlers and an infant. If both toddlers insist on riding in the wagon? Even better…means you are pulling 70 lbs. of kid and carrying 12 lbs. Walk until the sweat rolls off your forehead…about 3 blocks or until a kid starts crying…about a block and a half…
Hmmm…not bad! Maybe between my kidercise and my attempts to play soccer, I can get something going with this Mommy body…25 lbs. of baby weight? Here I come…
— Post From My iPhone