Parker is our early riser around here (along with Fiona)…and he usually does one of a few things. Sometimes he runs into our room, hauls himself up onto the bed, snuggles under the covers and proceeds to talk, sing, ask for a show, generally be anything but quiet to make sure that we are awake. It can be really cute, if he is being snuggly and whispering little secrets to me, but usually he turns on his impersonation of the seagulls on Finding Nemo, saying “show…show…show…”
Other times he focuses his attention on Madi, talking or singing while she tells him to be quiet, because she is still sleeping. If she is awake too, they will both get up and start playing in their room, which is really nice. They will get piles of toys out and have “picnics” or Madi will read a bunch of books to Parker in the reading chair.
But the other day, Parker did something new…he came into our room around 6:30, climbed up, snuggled under the covers, and promptly fell asleep. He was out like a light, and slept for quite a while, even after I had to get up and feed Fiona. He just moved over to Ben’s side, gave him some kisses, and slept some more. Too cute…
I’m sure there will be a day where I will be trying to drag them out of bed to start the day, so for now I am going to enjoy our little morning rituals, and get some sleep later…like in 5 years or something…
— Post From My iPhone

You’re right, the early risers eventually do become late sleepers! They sound precious.
I had a nice time meeting you. I see you are a devoted young mom. 🙂
Thanks for your comment Deborah…and for checking out my little blog 🙂 It keeps me sane!