Okay, so my blogging has been pretty wimpy lately…I can own that. But I think my reasons are understandable…and I think they all tie to the fact that I am 17 weeks pregnant. Yeah, I’m pregnant and I haven’t really mentioned it up to this point in my blog at all – weird, huh? Well, I have been planning on having a blog just for the pregnancy, but I wanted it to be up to date before I “announced” it and that hasn’t happened for some of the same reasons mentioned below…
Anyways, here are my goofy reasons:
Reason #1: I make a list of things that I am going to do each day, and then I have to go back and slash it in half, because I won’t have the time/energy/gumption to get it all done, and blogging has been on the “slash list”.
Reason #2: It is difficult to get back on track with something…anything…if you stop doing it for a little while. For me, if I don’t blog for a while, I get overwhelmed with the thoughts that are in my head that I want to blog about, and then I get brain freeze. I have been thinking about this post for several days, and just finally had to sit down and DO it.
Reason #3: When do I blog? In the afternoons is one option, but I have been having a few problems with that…my kids have not been consistently napping (which is a whole different story) and if they do go to sleep, all I want to do is crash for a little while. The evening is another option, but sometimes I get self conscious if I am typing away and Ben will look over and ask “are you blogging?” – silly, I know. Plus, we DVR most of the shows that we watch, and this is great, except before I would get small chunks of work done on the commercial breaks, and with DVR? No commercials!
So, I am hoping to get back on track with my blog. The kids have been doing some really cute things lately, which I would love to write about, and I always have random things popping around in my head! Also, my classes are done for the semester and I have a (brief) break before J-Term starts, so maybe I’ll have a little bit of extra time for blogging purposes…we’ll see!

Hi, I’m Lisa, and I’m a bad blogger too. Seriously, it’s been over a month since I updated my pregnancy blog. I keep thinking I’ll do it when I get a good belly picture to post, but then I don’t. I’ll start to type out a post and then I don’t like the way it sounds so I just cancel the whole thing. I’m such a slacker!
Congrats, Rachel! Are you possibly due May 21? I know 2 other people who are…seems to be the big day in May.