…but I am totally hooked on VH1’s Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew. It is yet another “reality” show, where the cameras follow a group of celebrities into rehab for addiction to drugs and alcohol. The participants range from Rod Stewart’s son to Rodney King to a former American Idol finalist and more, and you literally watch them as they detox and work through the problems that led them to the addiction in the first place.
Obviously, I have never been to rehab, and I don’t consider myself someone with an addictive personality. However, there have been some moments in the show so far, mostly when they are in their process group, where I have been like, “whoa, that is totally relevant!”
One of those moments was when they were in the thick of detox and Dr. Drew was talking about how many times, being afraid of the detox process is what prevents many people from doing it or sticking with it once they have started. The reality is that if you can persevere through 3-4 days, you can get to the point where you are able to feel normal again and start working through some of your other issues. Someone said that the longest time they had been sober was a day and a half – and that was since they were 11 years old. Can you imagine?
Okay – so where’s the relevancy, right? Well, I was thinking about how many times I have tried to stop or start doing something, and I will be stopped in my tracks thinking that it will be too difficult. I remember when I stopped drinking caffeine – I would go a day and then when the inevitable headache and tiredness would come on, I would cave in and hop back on the bandwagon. However, once I stuck with it, I was able to feel like myself again without caffeine.
I know – it’s nothing like being addicted to cocaine – but it’s the same fear that keeps us from exercising, kicking junk food, getting organized, and trying new things. It’s uncomfortable, and there is the possibility that it won’t go well…
So…thanks Dr. Drew…for making me think and putting something on television that isn’t just about winning money and being an idiot…for showing the dangers of addiction and the problems that many celebrities face…

Hi Rachel!I’ve never seen Celebrity Rehab, but sounds interesting. My secret is that I watch Real Housewives of Atlanta. Ridiculous, yes, but equally educational…teaches me a lot about what I do not want to become and how to steer clear of it.