Ben came home from work today saying that there was a happy vibe going around after Senator Obama’s win last night. (it’s a pretty liberal crowd…) Me? I was pretty bummed that McCain didn’t pull off a “mavericky” comeback, even though in the realistic part of my mind, I knew that it was virtually impossible.
Actually, it was kind of funny watching the pundits last night (in between dozing off – that’s how exciting it was) especially Fox News. There was one moment where Karl Rove and Brit Hume were examining the huge interactive electoral map and Rove said that if McCain didn’t win Ohio, it was basically over. Then Hume proceeded to say that they had just called the state for Obama. It was like the air was sucked out of the room, because that meant it was over. Whoops. We then had to watch them try to figure out what to say for the next couple of hours – including talking about these specially decorated cookies that someone brought in for the occasion.
But wow…I am just glad that the whole election season is over. I remember last spring coming home from debate class and watching the results come in on the primaries and being so interested in how it was playing out. I remember watching both conventions with intense interest, wanting to hear how each party presented their ideas and candidates. My intensity started to wane with the debates, mainly because you knew there wasn’t going to be anything “interesting”, which is a fancy word for “gaffes”. You knew Obama would start each statement with, “Ah…look…” and use the word “fundamental” a gillion times, and that McCain would gesture with his Sharpie marker and say “my friends” a gillion times.
And now it is over. We have a new president-elect, and it is definitely a historic moment. especially when you think about the racial divide in our country. And Obama is a charismatic leader with a lot of centrist ideas that in some regards don’t lean absolutely to the liberal agenda. But do I feel different? Nah. Hopefully he holds true to his word and my pocketbook won’t feel different from increased taxes, but I’m not holding my breath on that one. Someone has to pay for energy independence and health care, right? But the sun still rises and sets…the kids still get up and raise a ruckus…and life goes on…
Even so…it will be interesting to see how the next four…maybe eight…years play out…

Rachel:I was done with the election around the debates too. Especially being from a state where a conservative vote just was a drop in the bucket. I said to Mom that I want to live in Montana where my vote will count. She set me straight and said that the place we want to be is closer to our children. She was right on that one.Love,Dad