That was the primal scream from Madi this morning when I (heaven forbid) decided to make her a waffle instead of cereal. Thirty minutes of time out later, she finally decided to stop shrieking and eat her waffle. And this was after she had just come out of an extended time out upstairs, which made me realize that it was going to be one really emotionally draining day.
There were moments to smile at though, even amidst the frustration. Parker was incredibly happy-go-lucky today, especially in contrast with Madi’s demeanor. He cuddled with me at the breakfast table as we listened to Madi cry, gave me plenty of hugs, and ran around the house with a bowl on his head for a hat. I also decided to pull out the video camera to record Madi having a tantrum. I told her that I was going to show Daddy when he got home, and Madi did not like the idea of someone else seeing how naughty she was being. It kind of cracked me up. Then, when Ben came home, Madi told him that she had “lots of tantrums” but that she had enough “punishment” for today. She got that word from me today because she still had to go to time out even after she had calmed down because of her behavior. She has to figure out that concept, or we are going to have more major challenges in our recent future.
But I think we came out relatively unscathed. I didn’t start crying or lose my temper…and Madi doesn’t hate me…yet. Parker did pick up on something though – he was getting into the cabinet where we keep our DVD player so I stopped him. He started to cry and flail around and wanted to be put in time out where Madi was earlier. Go figure.

I have just such a video tape! Adrianna was throwing a fit about something and we have about a 1/2 hour of tape that Shawn recorded! He puts some funny commentary in it!We had her watch it and she was shocked at how she sounded. It is unbelieveable how stubborn they can be! Good for you for being consistent!