Do you ever have days where you are up early…kicking it all day long either with kids or work…and then the evening is full of…more work?
My last few weeks have been full of days like that. Basically, I got way behind because I was out of town for two weekends, and it just snowballed from there. Don’t get me wrong – I truly enjoyed my time away (Traverse City and a scrapbooking weekend with the girls) – but it does set you back. I think the perfect getaway would be to leave knowing that all of your responsibilities would be taken care of while you were away. Wouldn’t that be nice?
A great example of this “never-ending day” happened just recently…preschool (me as the parent helper), class immediately after until 4, Ben home late from work, Parker being clingy and not wanting to go to sleep, and then grading until 12:30 a.m. Once Ben got home, he was exhausted and he went straight to bed (who can blame him) but there I was…trying to stay awake to grade papers because all of my “normal” free time (usually during naps) has been non-existent because lately either Madi or Parker have decided to not take a nap, so there is always someone awake.
Hmm…reading what I just wrote makes me feel like a whiner, because like I always say…we are all busy – no one is exempt – just the circumstances change. But you know? Just because everyone is busy doesn’t magically make my situation better (wouldn’t that be nice) even though it can help to gain a different perspective.
But really – I just want to have time to clean out the smashed Cheez-It snack packs and register coupons out of the bottom of my purse and to pack away the kids summer clothes so I don’t have to dig through shorts and t-shirts to find a sweater. I want to download my pictures from the last month onto my computer so I can share pictures of Madi’s lovely new haircut and find time to blog (one thing I’m actually doing…even though it is after 11 p.m. and I should be in bed).
I don’t like being only one half step ahead of my responsibilities and starting to forget things…like the Tupperware knife that my consultant left at my house and I was supposed to leave it in my door last Saturday and I completely forgot. I don’t like having to start the second half of my task list until after the kids are in bed, when I just want to chill with Ben.
I know it will get better…it always does…at least until the Christmas season hits full force, and I’ll be swamped with final exams, Christmas shopping, baking cookies, and work functions.
I know that I will survive…it is not life-threatening, just a lot to do.
But really…can’t it be now?

I’ve had a few of those in the recent weeks! Never before have I had to pray unceasingly for God’s strength and grace just to get through the “normal” routine of the day! I will pray that you find contentment in the everyday things and that you can find some quiet and peace sometime during your days!
Sounds very much like my fall so far, Rachel; when nothing can give and no solution on the horizon, it’s awfully depressing. I’m trying to just take it a day at a time and have a daily list of only the direly important things plus one not-so-important item that has been bugging me (boxing up clothes is a great example). Once they’re accomplished, I can go to bed a bit more restfully….Hope your November slows down!