From time to time, I like to post a few quick stories about the kids, like…
- Parker insists on reading the same book every time I put him down for nap and bedtime. It is called Firefighter Frank by Monica Wellington, and for some reason, he loves it. If I try to sneak in a different book, he stiff arms it with a resounding “NO”. He’s got a mind of his own, that’s for sure. I did find out recently, after he started turning the beginning pages of the book at breakneck speed, that Ben skims the first part of the book, but spends extra time on the actual firefighting section of the story…good to know. It must be a “guy” thing.
- Madi is into books too, and her new thing is that she wants to read five books before bedtime and “that’s it”. Usually we read two books and then we pray, sing a song, and tell a story, but somehow she figured out that she could manipulate the system to get even more books. Also, I discovered last night that while I will read books to her in awkward places, like lying on the floor with the book in the air while my arms fall asleep, especially when it is the Disney Treasury Book that weighs about 4 pounds…Ben will NOT…no exceptions. I guess I’m a pushover, huh?
- We have been working on sharing and taking turns around here, and I was so proud of Madi and Parker today. We decided to walk around the block with our Little Tykes yellow and red car, which I thought was going to be disastrous. However…they alternated riding in the car with their feet propped up and pushing the car from behind the whole way around the block. Absolutely amazing, considering usually we have World War III every time there is a toy that both of them want to play with ending up with me taking the toy away from everyone until further notice. (I have quite the collection going)
- Last but not least, this evening we went for a walk, enjoying the last few warm evenings. I did have to convince Madi to go by telling her she could bring the “cookies” she was baking, Bear and her Toddler Bible in the wagon. Parker, of course, had to bring his “B” (bear blankie) and a book too, so he was just like Madi. Then Madi proceeded to “read” Parker Bible stories for the entire ride, and Parker “read” his B is for Bear book to whoever would listen. Ben and I were able to talk about our day and the economy (yuck) and the kids didn’t try to climb out of the wagon once. But I’m sure we were a sight to behold…
Have I mentioned recently that I really really love my husband and kids?

Isn’t it nice how the weather is gorgeous these days??? And so far into the year? I guess global warming is helping out with the rising gas prices…Sweetness – all around 🙂Happy Kiddos + Happy Hubby = Peace