Last Christmas, I decided to “wrap” my sister’s Christmas presents inside a funky Environsak. They are basically a reusable shopping bag that rolls up into a fun little bundle you can stick in your purse and since they came in packs of four, I gave one to each of my sisters, one to my Mom and I kept one. I then stuck it in my purse and carried it around, looking for an opportunity to pull it out and look all eco-friendly. To my chagrin, the first time I tried to use it, the store actually told me that they weren’t allowed to put my purchase in my own bag, but that I could take their bag and put it inside of my bag. Totally defeated the purpose, so I just rolled my eyes and grabbed the plastic bag and didn’t try to use my Environsak for quite a while.
I guess no one wanted me to be eco-friendly – maybe because we aren’t in California, where all of the celebrities are photographed with their “Feed” bags that they bought for $40 each? Who knows.
All of a sudden, every single store you go into has their own version of a reusable bag. Even the small grocery store in Ely, MN had a big Zup’s handled bag. Seriously. So, I have been pulling my little Envirosak out of my purse on occasion, usually for some random purpose like hauling library books, taking sand toys to the beach, or to sit on after soccer so I don’t get my car all stinky (that was really random). And we have been collecting bags from a variety of places – Spartan, Walmart, Meijer – that we bring grocery shopping with us. They are not just eco-friendly, but they are amazingly handy. You can pack a ton in each bag, the bags sit flat in your trunk, and it takes less trips to bring your groceries inside. Plus, your kids can use them to tote around piles of toys and you can use them to carry around just about anything.
I know I sound like an advertisement, but in a world where it is not always so easy to make changes that are more environmentally friendly because of convenience or cost, this is a switch that actually makes your life EASIER! Imagine that.