I was going through one of my many piles, and I came across this sheet of paper where I had scribbled a list of some of the surprising things about motherhood. I think it was back when Parker was about 6 months old. Here’s a sampling:
- How horrible labor is…
- And how quickly you forget how horrible labor was
- The number of diapers you go through in a day
- How slippery babies are when you give them a bath
- The number of mistakes you make, every single day
- Baby food containers that squirt you when you open them
- Seeing your personality traits in them
- Hearing your words come out of their mouth
- How good a baby smells
- Being responsible for another human being
- Rediscovering playing make-believe as a hobby
- That sippy cup valves get incredibly gooey if you forget to clean them
- The importance of being connected with other Moms
- The importance of finding a little time for yourself every day
- How little time you spend on yourself
- That you hardly look at yourself before leaving the house
- How quickly they grow up
- The extent of your love for them
Anything to add?

How daunting that first trip home from the hospital can behow adoring these little people are of us!