It was a hot Tuesday morning, we had just finished our mid-morning snack, and I was plotting out our next move…heading outside to play, when Madi said, “Let’s make snow!” Now, there are two ways that I could have responded. Either I could have said, “No, not today…we’re going outside because it is finally sunny after a month of rain” or I could have said, “Okay, let’s find some paper to rip up”. It can be a tough decision, because sometimes I just have in my mind our “schedule” and when it gets thrown off, I start to unravel. It’s the same thing when the kids decide to not take a nap (like Madi this entire week) because I don’t have any time to catch up on “my” stuff…whether it is blogging, napping, cleaning, or whatever…
So, what did I do? I went with it…and we ended up having “Christmas in June”. It actually started when I had taken out the winter coats to bring upstairs, and the kids started to try them on. Madi had her coat, hat, mittens, and my scarf, and of course, Parker wanted all of his stuff on too. We ripped up paper for snow, threw it everywhere, and danced around to Christmas music. Madi didn’t take a nap, so she painted Christmas pictures and made sugar cookies instead.
After Parker’s naptime, we collected a baggie of “snow” and walked over to the Espinoza’s house and sang Christmas carols to them…Joshua was very confused…but it was tons of fun.
It was a good reminder to me to listen to my kids ideas and “go with it” whenever I can, even if it isn’t convenient for me. I can be too quick to say “not now” instead of “let’s try it”. It only will boost their self-confidence and creativity and usually makes for a pretty fun day!